by Kathie Malley-Morrison, Pat Daniel, and Joe Kandra
Please join us in celebrating the move of Engaging Peace to its new home with Mass Peace Action (MAPA). This cartoon reflects our intent to join not only with MAPA but also with countless collaborators in the broader peace movement.
Let a million flowers of peace bloom!
Our thanks go to all of you who participated in the Engaging Peace mission by submitting articles, comments, poems, artwork, videos, cartoons, and donations. Thanks also to the volunteers, interns, and board members* who supported this work. Our effort to engage peace would not have continued for more than 10 years without you.
Many thanks also to all of you who read our posts and learned about how the plutocrats, the military industrial complex, the war profiteers, and the corrupters of human beings and environments promote moral disengagement in ordinary people, making them believe that doing harm is doing good.
Thank you also for reading the many stories by and about ordinary people who have become morally engaged, who speak truth to power, who strive to live by the Golden Rule, and who recognize that we are all members of the same human race and that we are all responsible for the environment in which we live.
Your own peace activism is now more important than ever. Please continue your own grassroots efforts and join with other peace and social justice groups in your own community, state, and nation.
Peace and love,
The Engaging Peace Team (Kathie, Pat, and Joe
* Special thanks to current and past members of the EP board of directors: Alice LoCicero, Doe West, Susan Strobel, and Dot Walsh.
P,S. Please come see Pat, Joe, and me at our webinar for Mass Peace Action Thursday May 27 at 7. Click here for the announcemnt and registration link. We’d love to see you there.