The Golden Rule: Eleven World Religions (and New Commentary)

Memorial engraving of the first ‘World Day of Prayer for Peace’ in Assisi (1986), with Pope John Paul II hosting religious leaders from around the world. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Author: User:Chris Light

By Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D

  “If you seek justice, choose for others what you would choose for yourself.” (Baha’i)

 “One should seek for others the happiness one derives for one self.”  (Buddhism)

 “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” (Christianity)

 “What you do not want done to yourself, do not unto others.”  (Confucianism)

 “Do naught to others which if done to thee would cause pain.”  (Hinduism) 

“No one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” (Islam)

  “We should . . . refrain from inflicting upon others such injury as would appear   undesirable to us if inflicted upon ourselves.”   (Jainism)

“What is hurtful to yourself, do not do to our fellow man.” (Judaism)

 “As thou deemest thyself, so deem others.” (Sikkhism)

  “To those who are good to me, I am also good; and to those who are not good to me, I am also good.  And thus all get to be good.”  (Taoism)

   “Do as you would be done by.”  (Zoroastrianism)

It is indeed ironic, tragic in fact, that the Golden Rule is considered an essential truth of world religions, and yet is abandoned by religions in favor of self-serving social and political goals keeping people apart, separate, and disconnected. As has been said by wise voices: “There is no other.”

Apparently, the mere presence of alternative beliefs confronts people and religions with an experienced threat to their beliefs, diminishing the value of their beliefs, because there is an alternative.

“How can you say this?” they claim, “when I know fervently in my heart and mind, and, because of everything I have been told, my view is the only right view. ”

“Now I must try to inform you of your errors, even if I must use force and violence.  It is for your sake I do this, so you may know the truths I know and believe. My God is more powerful than your god.”

There is no easy answer to this paradoxical behavior, rooted as it is in complex historical, cultural, political, and economic reasons. Perhaps, a first step is for an individual to say:

“Peace begins with me! I will practice non-violence, and offer healing to all in need. I will constantly ask forgiveness for the acts I committed bringing sorrow and grief to others.”

Humility is required!  There is healing in apology. Individuals, groups, and nations can forgive, and can apologize, and with these acts can find “Truth” in the Golden Rule, and a new sense of identity and purpose in these acts.

As Vaclav Havel noted: “Perhaps it was always there, and our selfishness prevented us from seeing it and knowing it.”

Special appreciation to an old friend, Stephen Blessman, for his knowledge of the Golden Rule in world religions.

October, 2017

Proposal: International Day for Apology and Forgiveness

[Note from Kathie Malley-Morrison: Today we welcome another contribution by our guest author, Dr. Majed Ashy.]

This past Memorial Day, like all Memorial days, is a good day to remember the fallen
soldiers, and an opportunity to contemplate –as individuals, communities, and
nations– ways to cultivate peace and reduce war casualties and suffering.

There are groups that have promoted the idea of an International Day of Forgiveness and a Global Day of Forgiveness.

I believe that there is an international need for an increase in education and awareness regarding apology as well as forgiveness and their roles in personal, social, and international relations.

An organization in the U.S. asked me to write a comment regarding President Obama’s speech in Cairo. In the comment I suggested the establishment of an International Day for Apology and Forgiveness. During this day, schools can discuss the roles of apology and forgiveness, do workshops on how to apologize accurately, and discuss various issues related to forgiveness.

It can be also a day for the media to present films and programs related to the topic. The United Nations and the member states might hold meetings and discussions on the roles of apology and forgiveness in world peace. States might offer apologies regarding past errors they did.

In addition, during this day, people might have the opportunity to apologize and forgive. Research showed that sometimes people are willing to apologize and forgive but they need an environment that is suitable for that–an environment that supports a peaceful mental state, and a social context that deeply understands the importance of apology and forgiveness for human progress.

Establishing such a day might contribute to such an understanding.

Majed Ashy, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology at Merrimack College and research fellow in psychiatry at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School

In honor of President Lincoln: Moving towards freedom

[Note from Kathie Malley-Morrison: Today we welcome the first of several contributions by our guest contributor Majed Ashy. Dr. Ashy is an assistant professor of psychology at Merrimack College and a research fellow in psychiatry at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School. He was born in Lebanon and is a Saudi Arabian. He earned his B.A, M.A, and Ph.D. in psychology from Boston University. His research in psychoneuroimmunology and political psychology focuses on childhood experience of adversity and its psychobiological consequences. He authored the Saudi Arabia chapter in State Violence and the Right to Peace: An International Survey of the Views of Ordinary People Greenwood Publishing Group / Praeger series. He is contributing several chapters to two volumes to be published by Springer Publishing Co.: Handbook on War, Torture, and Terrorism, and Handbook on Protest, Peace, Reconciliation, Apology, and Forgiveness.]

By Majed Ashy, Guest Author

Two arguments are presented repeatedly in discussions of the evolution of democracy in the Middle East: “Arabs are not ready for democracy,” and “If Arabs get more democratic rights, then some Islamic extremists will come to power and that is a threat to the whole world.”

Army trucks surrounding Tahrir Square, Cairo
Army trucks surrounding Tahrir Square, Cairo (Photo by Ramy Raoof; licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic; from Wikimedia Commons)

I heard similar alarmist arguments against women’s suffrage, African American civil rights movements, and Black liberation in South Africa. President Lincoln, whose birthday is this week, did not accept the arguments against freeing the slaves in America, but millions of people still lack freedom.

With advancements in communication technologies, Internet resources, social networks, media, satellite TV stations, and international travel, the evolution in individual empowerment and the rise of social collective awareness are natural consequences. Masses of people are rejecting as self serving and racist the “old” narratives about the necessity of oppression.

One of the problems faced in the Middle East is the communication gap between governments and the general populations. Many Middle Eastern governments are still using a “language” that does not speak to people who are educated, aware, and able to see through the narratives of oppression. The image of men on camels and horses in Tahrir square in Cairo beating protesters summarize this divide.

We have in the Middle East youth who represent the future, are linked through the Internet to people all over the world, watch satellite TV stations from almost every country, and call for human rights. On the other side we have people who come from the ancient past and deal with their problems by riding camels and beating people up.

The current conflict in the Middle East is about narratives. One narrative that has not been given a chance yet is that the Middle East can evolve into a responsible democracy that takes into account human rights, international law, and democracy. All lovers of freedom and democracy should respect and help sustain this effort.

Majed Ashy