Liberate the camps! An open letter to the nation of Israel

German concentration camp, WWII
U. S. concentration camps- June 11, 2019, at Border Patrol’s Weslaco, TX, Station

Dear Citizens of Israel,

We did it for you during World War II. Now it’s your turn to help us.

The U.S. government-sponsored concentration camps on our southern border are racist, immoral and unconscionable. Over 50,000 refugees are being held indefinitely in unsanitary and overcrowded conditions—including infants and children, separated from their parents.

Trump continues to ignore criticism and refuses to take any action that would demonstrate even a shred of humanity toward those imprisoned. White supremacists cheer for an autocratic leader who keeps pushing to see how much he can get away with.

Does this seem familiar?

Israel, as one of the United States’ strongest allies, is in a position to influence and intervene. This madness must stop. The unthinkable cannot happen again. We need your help.

Liberate the camps! We did it for you; now you do it for us.


Pat Daniel and Kathie Malley-Morrison

Outraged and ashamed citizens of the U.S.


“Dark days ahead for the United States as a result of the Presidential Election, 2016.” This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Author: Bee Certain.

In the terrifying Alice-in-Wonderland days of a new President with little understanding of the Constitution and no respect for principles of social justice, the slogan RESIST has gone viral, as well it should. The big questions are: RESIST WHOM? RESIST HOW?

Although the focus has been on Donald Trump, who so far has seemed to attract adoration and loathing in large quantities, but has many pundits have increasingly pointed out, Trump is a symptom and an outcome of problems that have been besieging the American political system for generations.

The millions of Americans who are horrified by Donald Trump as President need to address the factors that led to his (mis)election and that could enable him to put his noxious plans into effect.

Some very good advice on this issue comes from an article entitled “How to stop an autocracy” by Ezra Klein on Vox .

Klein’s thesis is that “The danger isn’t that Trump will build an autocracy; It’s that Congressional Republicans will let him.” And the threat is not autocracy but “partyocracy.”

Klein offers some excellent insight into the wisdom and intentions of the creators of the Founding Fathers, and an extensive analysis of david Frum’s Atlantic article  “How to build an autocracy”

In his discussion of the role of the U.S. Constitutional separation of powers in curbing excesses by the Executive Branch, Klein tips his hat to authorities in the Judicial system who are challenging the legality of Trump’s anti-immigration efforts; however, he puts particular emphasis on the corrective balance that could be exercised the legislative branch–i.e., Congress.

One of Klein’s main concerns, which he believes the Founding Fathers failed to anticipate, is the pernicious effect on checks and balances that can accrue in a rigidly two-party system in which the goal of each party is essentially to pursue its own agenda and try to subvert the other party.

Looking for ways to resist the Trump agenda? I recommend that you read Klein’s full article and send your comments about it to this post on engaging peace.