Growing into The Spirit of The Sixties

Stefan Schindler with John Lennon collage

by Stefan Schindler

In my early childhood – born just north of San Francisco, and fresh from two years in England – I spent four years in Texas, then one in Alabama, unconsciously absorbing from both states a culture of racism and American superiority.

Then the family moved to Japan, where I spent three years absorbing a new culture, and, subconsciously, an alternative worldview. It changed my life, and I shall be forever grateful. When the family moved from Japan to Pennsylvania, I was shocked to discover fellow students who had never been out of their home state. I was like a visitor from the moon.

My formal education continued to be mostly ignoration, but the year was 1960, just in time for me to grow into The Spirit of The Sixties. As I  watched The Beatles evolve into Peacemakers, coinciding with my college years, I began to realize just how brainwashed I had been.

My father, a bomber pilot in World War Two, was a career officer in the U.S. Air Force, rising through the ranks to become a Lieutenant Colonel. Hence our family’s many moves around the country and the world. Hence also my military upbringing.

When I entered Dickinson College in 1966, I joined ROTC (and its elite “Pershing Rifles” group). I quit after six weeks, having been ordered to do this and that my entire life, and now, in college, finally free from my father’s commanding influence, and joyfully participating more and more in the anti-establishment counter-culture revolution.

By my senior year at Dickinson, 1970, while President Nixon continued The Vietnam War, I was a member of S.D.S – Students for a Democratic Society – and with fellow peacemakers disrupting ROTC drill performances on the football field, and, more importantly, marching in peace demonstrations outside the gates of the Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, just a few blocks from Dickinson.

After graduate school, post-1975,  I embarked upon a self-education program, leading to my further political awakening, a new appreciation for Mark Twain and William James as members of The Anti-Imperialism League, and the writing of my book, America’s Indochina Holocaust: The History and Global Matrix of The Vietnam War.

Now, just about a year from 2020, I see The United States of Amnesia failing to learn the lessons of history, and increasingly becoming a high-tech version of Plato’s cave, governed by plutocracy, divided more and more by economic apartheid, and careening toward ecological apocalypse, nuclear war, and another Great Depression. John Lennon was right – “We are led by lunatics.”

Fortunately, the spirit of Emerson, James, and Twain lives on in the activism, writings and wisdom of people like H. G. Wells, Aldous Huxley, I. F. Stone, Martin Luther King, Noam Chomsky, Michael Parenti, John Pilger, John Prados, Dan Ellsberg, the Berrigan brothers, Molly Ivins, Howard Zinn, Bertrand Russell, Amy Goodman, Gore Vidal, Norman Mailer, Victor Wallis, Naomi Klein, Lewis Lapham, Thich Nhat Hann, Sulak Sivaraksa, the Dalai Lama, Vandana Shiva, and so many others.

Like Maya Angelou, I know “Why The Caged Bird Sings.” I know that the meaning of life is learning and service. And I give thanks for friends like Toni Snow and Lewis Randa, who help me keep the faith and keep on truckin’, as a Compassionate Peacemaker and global citizen, committed to Universal Brother-Sisterhood.

Note from Kathie MM: Please share with people on your email lists Stefan’s inspiring story of his journey to peace activism-and send us your own story for publication on engaging peace. Many families, many communities, include peace activists who go about the business of making the world a safer more just and human place. Share the stories. 



By Stefan Schindler

 Do you occasionally feel that you’re about to go crazy? Or think that perhaps you already have? Do you often feel like Don Quixote, vainly tilting at windmills? Yes, probably. But then you remember the meaning of the term Greater Fool. A Greater Fool is one who exhibits greatness in commitment to peace, no matter how foolish that commitment seems in a world intent on going mad.

You remember that you are not alone. You have comrades. Millions of brothers and sisters equally committed to kindness and compassion. They too are Greater Fools, like Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Romero, Tolstoy, Emerson, Tagore. Like Mother Jones, Emma Goldman, Dorothy Day, Helen Keller, Vandana Shiva, Amy Goodman, Naomi Klein. Like Martin Luther King and Muhammad Ali. Like Mark Twain, William James, Noam Chomsky, Michael Parenti, Michael Moore, Howard Zinn. Like Meister Eckhart, Thomas Merton, George Fox, Matthew Fox, Thich Nhat Hanh, the Dalai Lama. Like Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou, Jane Fonda, Joan Baez, Susan Sarandon, the Trung sisters of Vietnam. Like Bertrand Russell, Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. John and Robert Kennedy, too. Greater Fools, one and all.

And, yes, The Beatles. “All you need is love,” they sang, and you hum it every day. War without end seems to be the world’s way, and yet you never cease to chant, “Give peace a chance.” The Statue of Liberty weeps. Mother Earth is crucified. Storm clouds darken the horizon. And yet you sing: “Here comes the sun.” Yes, I am you, you are me, and we are all the walrus. We have each other. We keep the faith. We persevere.

Chogyam Trungpa, combining Tibetan Buddhism and Zen, called it Crazy Wisdom. So, yes, it’s OK to be a little crazy, as long as your craziness is that of the Greater Fool. Humanity may elect lunatics for leaders, and go about their business sleepwalking through history. Yet you, at least, are awake. Indeed, you are part of The Great Awakening. You belong to The Global Peace Abbey. It welcomes all and has no walls. We are warriors for peace, on the cutting edge of evolution. There is no greater satisfaction, no greater joy, no greater service.

So rejoice, my friend. The angels sing your praises, and lend you unconditional support. The reward for service is increased opportunity to serve.

Take action? Why? What good will it do?!

Women’s Rights Day celebration : 55 years since women won the vote : a look at our struggle. In the public domain. Author: Feminist Coordinating Council (Seattle, Wash.), sponsor/advertiser.

By Rev. Dr. Doe West

I am working daily to encourage all those around me to be sure they:

register to vote!

double check that they are on the voting rolls!

get to the polls on November 6th and victoriously vote!

Does my faith in this process mean I am somehow ignorant of or immune to the malevolent undercurrent seeping up around us, imparting a sense of hopelessness  regarding our efforts, imposing a sinking feeling that our votes won’t count, and enshrouding us in  fears that ruthless threats to our human rights, our futures, our planet,  can never be overcome?

Absolutely not.  In fact, it is my acute awareness and painful personal emotions each day that compel me to continue fighting the good fight every day at every opportunity.

Why?  What good will it do?

The hard truth is that any individual’s personal struggle for peace and social justice may not be enough to turn the tide tomorrow or bring hopes and dreams  to full fruition this year, or next, but it is also true that every single action taken by every single person does matter. And when people join hands and work together, they can make history and create better futures.

How do I know that?

It is October 2018 and …

  • We are fighting against voter suppression. That means that we WON voting rights!
  • We can connect with protestors we meet at marches across the nation.
  • We have specific names and locations of candidates who stood with us and on whom we can rely again to carry the fight from the inside out.
  • We have more diversity in our ranks in regard to gender, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and other group identifiers in the candidates who take action for the causes in which we believe!
  • The alt right and radical right are coming out in daylight in public arenas where they show their colors and spew their hatred, making the need to take action against their self-serving agendas obvious to more and more people.
  • We have blogs such as engaging peace to which we can turn for affirmation and for connection with a community of people who are unified at the head/heart/spirit level and who will offer support when any of us stumble or lag or are hit by the fear that it is NOT worth it.  Be part of this community.  Write to engaging peace about your efforts on behalf of a fairer government, a safer future, a better world.

I know myself well enough to understand that like Maya Angelou, who spoke for us all when she said, “I RISE,”  and like Michelle Obama who spoke for us all when she said “As they go low, we go high,” and as I tell you right now… it matters. More than you may see or feel or understand. But every single success  we have had and gain that we have achieved has been created by every woman, man, and child before us who took action – even when, at times, they also asked “Why?  What good will it do?”

The answer is clear.  Persevering is the only way to go, the only way forward.  So rise to higher ground with me today …and take action!

Blessed are the peacemakers

Lewis Randa, Rededication ceremony, Peace Abbey, July 29, 2018

By Kathie MM

They will be called children of God, by whatever name God is known.

Blessed are the peacemakers for confronting violence with nonviolence, for speaking truth to power, for persisting with limited resources against the forces of greed and destruction, for joining hands in sister and brotherhood when so many others spew hatred and harm, for being brave beacons of peace while cutthroat cowards promote war for profit,  for honoring and preserving life on earth while all around them lives are being destroyed with arrogant disregard.

This past Sunday, the Peace Abbey, in Sherborn, Massachusetts—one of the thousands if not millions of local peace and social justice organizations around the world–had a rededication ceremony at the Peace Memorial. In particular, they honored Muhammad Ali, Howard Zinn, Maya Angelou, Daniel Berrigan, Betsy Sawyer, Jeanette Rankin, Rachel Corrie, Corbett Bishop and Kenneth and Elise Boulding—courageous peacemakers, bless them all.


Please enjoy some photos from the event and the Abbey, and excerpts from the dedication poem by Stefan Schindler, a frequent contributor to engaging peace. If you would like a copy of the whole poem, please submit your request as a comment on this post.





by Stefan Schindler

I know that freedom is a slippery slope.

I know that children give us hope.


I know that rainbows bless the sky.

I know that Gandhi is the reason why

the bells of freedom ring

in the echoes of the voice of Martin Luther King.


And, yes, the saints and sages of the ages … will long sing praises

to the extraordinary story … of Rachel Corrie.



Hence we now recall that noble soul … whose goal was peace;

she gave her life so that war should cease.


Ah, Rachel, you died too young; just barely beyond

the age of 21; your life’s song … just barely sung.


Long indeed may your story be told; your bravery so bold.

You showed courage of conscience beyond measure.

Your life, and example, we shall always treasure.

Thus we promise to pause, every now and then,

to think of you … alongside Daniel … in the lions den.

With holy courage and conscience you took a stance,

and gave your life … to give peace a chance….



Green fields and forests the fruit of our toil;

nourished we are by earth’s rich soil.


With kindred spirit of animals and friends,

we trek the valleys and round the bends

of the river of time that never ends.


Yes, we too are pilgrims on Abbey Road.

Say, brother, let me carry that load.



United by Buddha’s Dharma-Gate tether, we frolic

in strawberry fields forever; with one who knows a love supreme,

the voice resounding: “I have a dream.”


Final note from KMM: if you want peace, value peace, hope and pray for peace for your children and granschildren, then work for peace and give to peace.  Please support local peace organizations like Engaging Peace and the Peace Abbey.  Volunteers and activists earn their way to Heaven, but donations help their work on earth.