By Doe West

[Note from Kathie: this is post 4 in a four part series  by Dr. Doe West award-winning psychologist and pastor.

In response to the October 2006 mass shooting at the West Nickel Mines School in the Old Order Amish community in Pennsylvania, some commentators criticized the quick and complete forgiveness with which the Amish responded. These critics argued that forgiveness is inappropriate when no remorse has been expressed, and that such an attitude runs the risk of denying the existence of evil.

Others were supportive. Donald Kraybill and two other scholars of Amish life noted that “letting go of grudges” is a deeply rooted value in Amish culture, which remembers forgiving by others done grievous wrong such as Jesus himself. They explained that the Amish willingness to forgo vengeance does not undo the tragedy or pardon the wrong, but rather constitutes a first step toward a future that is more hopeful.

I know the members of the Amish community were as much in the dark about the reasons for the killer’s behavior as I was then and still am today. But they went way beyond prayers for forgiveness. They undertook the behavior of forgiveness.

So, I am speaking to you about how we can change our behavior long before our emotions lead us astray; they will catch up if we push forward with new, better behavior.
Even as they dealt with all human emotions, the Amish community stepped forward in the behavior of forgiveness for all those impacted by the violence. Yes, they still had to bury the dead, live with the injuries, destroy the old school building, and build a new one  — and send their children to it.

This I know. Our behavior shows our true colors. Our feelings arise from our humanity. There are no moral obligations to our feelings but there are to our behavior.

I know also that I want a life that not only allows a future that is more hopeful but also one that my behavior helps create.

By my behavior,                                                                                                                            Toward others                                                                                                                                      and myself.                                                                                                                                                I will show my true colors in ALL seasons of this complex life.                                                    I will forgive and I will not fear.                                                                                                           I will go forward living my red-letter life                                                                                      with fearlessness of compassion                                                                                                      and fearlessness of forgiveness.                                                                                                          In a life left open to hope.



by Doe West

[note from Kathie: this is post 2 in a four part series  by Dr, Doe West, award-winning psychologist and pastor. ]

At times like this [in the wake of the latest mass killing], we,  Christians and others, get asked the worst questions–from other people and ourselves: Must we forgive?  This?  HIM?!

Ephesians 4:31-32  – 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

 We read those words and may even taste some bile in our throats that rises with those words hitting deep in our pain.

I have been called a red letter Christian … preaching from and turning to the words of the Christ over the words in the Old Testament.  But I do read all the words … and I do preach from the Old Testament … but it always surprises me when the Old Testament helps me with the New Testament.

Isaiah 43:25-26   25 I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more. 26 Review the past for me, let us argue the matter together; state the case for your innocence.

Yes, Father God, let us argue the matter.

And how I would love to hear the case for this mass murderer’s innocence… and mine, as I deal with my anger toward his behavior.

I realize that I cannot hate or be angry with him for I know only what is printed about him and his life and his preparation for that night.  Which is nothing I can know much less prove.

What I feel is the anger / rage at is his behavior.

In all my decades of learning and work –as Pastor, as Counselor, as Professor – I find one path for escaping from the constant on-state of pain during such times is by engaging my mind with my emotions… using contemplation and consideration as a rope walk up from that pit of rage.

I learned a phrase when working on a grant at the Harvard School of Public Health when we were doing investigation and debate of findings on some unknown pathogen … pathogens of body or mind or behavior: What do we think? —- what do we know? — what can we prove?

So often we get stuck at what we think but do not know.

Or know but cannot prove.

In my next posts, I will share what I think and what I know and what I can prove, and how these insights may help all of us,