What it’s really all about

Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison. Henry David Thoreau, 1817-1862. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Author: Shane T. McCoy, U.S. Navy , Eugenio Hansen, OFS

The argument you get from the warlords, the arms industry, the right-wing extremists, the power-seekers is that some forms of torture are needed to fight terrorism, to save lives endangered by “ticking bombs.”  Bull hoowey. If you want to understand why people torture,   consider the components of this definition from Miriam Webster:

Torture is “the infliction of intense pain (as from burning, crushing, or wounding) to punish, coerce, or afford sadistic pleasure.” (emphasis added)

To punish.  That’s a biggie, one we’ve discussed before on this blog.  The monotheistic religions “of the Book” (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), as well as countless other religions from earlier centuries, have promulgated visions of Hell in which “sinners” (e.g., violators of cultural norms, rebels against authoritarian rulers) will be punished (tortured) by eternal burning and sometimes other horrors.

That preoccupation with punishment has a broad reach and is as American as apple pie.  Parents who inflict intense pain on children (e.g., whipping, burning) for “not minding their manners,” for “giving lip” or “being sassy” are inflicting torture on their children—and were often tortured themselves while growing up.   Both men and women often torture their partners physically or psychologically to punish them for infidelity and other “crimes.” And racism in this country has, for centuries, been associated with the torture and murder of people of color, both in the streets and in prisons, to punish them for their differentness.

To coerce.  Okay, in today’s world “coercion” could be interpreted as requiring an admission regarding  the location of a ticking bomb (although there is no evidence of such a location ever having been discovered this way) but for centuries coerced confessions involved, for example, admitting that one was or was not a “good” Catholic. Think Inquisition.  We may well ask how effectively torture worked to protect Catholicism from infidels and purify the image of the Roman Catholic hierarchy.

For sadistic pleasure: Heartbreakingly, torture for sadistic pleasure is widespread in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world where abuse of various forms is a part of everyday life.  My guess is that every one of my readers has at some point in his or her life met someone who got pleasure from inflicting pain on some person or animal.  Right?

Regardless of its purpose or motive, torture, as well as cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, is banned at all times, in all places by international law.

Shouldn’t people of conscience be acting to resist its use in their homes, their communities, their country, and wherever their efforts can reach? Time to stop excusing it?


Natural and human-made disasters

Disasters:  “More than a Word”

by  Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D.

1. Distant Disasters

The word “disasters” has become much more than a word as humanity becomes aware of the numerous natural, human-made, and human-facilitated disasters in our times.  In distant times and in recent past centuries, relative isolation of people and events kept tolls of disasters exacted to more confined people and spaces. These tolls, obviously, were no less destructive in their tragic consequence for people and milieu. Indeed, some distant disasters continue to impact the evolution and survival of life today.

Examples of distant-past natural events include: (1) meteor strikes on extinction of dinosaurs and life forms; (2) Mediterranean earthquakes and Gibraltar-collapse flood; (3) Krakatoa volcanic eruption in Indonesia; (4) Ice Age on human migration and survival; (5) possible shifts in magnetic polarity of Earth’s poles and magnetic field shields.

Examples of human-made events shaping in near century-times include: (1) ancient Egyptian military conquests, (2) Alexander’s conquests, (3) Roman Empire conquests with subjugation of people and exploitation of land; (4) Mongolian conquests of Asia and Europe, and British imperialistic conquests of Asia, Pacific, and Africa.

Human-made disasters have been rooted in wars of imperialistic and empire intent among groups and nations seeking “global” hegemony. The impact of British Empire invasions and conquests remain with us today in the struggles of developing nations seeking to establish an identity and purpose under the burden of colonial occupation.

One of the most egregious legacies of the past continuing today is human slavery and labor exploitation.  We may never escape the consequences of WWI and WWII upon our lives and psyches. The past is always with us! Victimhood is a legacy many seek to correct and prevent; many others seek to forget.

Knowledge of the enormous destructive impacts of natural and human-shaped disasters upon animate and inanimate milieus has prompted nations and global consortia to develop organized risk and hazard efforts and tools. These include early warning, appraisal, communication systems, intervention, and prevention efforts. Recognized organizations include the USA’s Department of Homeland Security Disaster Program (Washington, DC) , the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, and the World Health Organization (WHO), in Geneva, Switzerland. There are scores of cooperative agencies engaged in monitoring natural disaster and human-made risks.

Efforts to end human-made wars and violence among and within nations continue.  Even optimists, however, cannot deny the continuing horrors of current genocides and destruction and oppression of people the world. Human beings struggling to survive pray for relief and an end to wars and violence; but efforts have proven inadequate to the Brobdingnagian nature of the task. Tragic!

I have taken upon myself the task and responsibility to identify and communicate in graphic and tabular forms examples of natural and human-made disasters. I do so because I believe it is essential we do not deny or ignore the multitude of risks we face. The graphic and tabular formats may be useful in immediate apprehension for teaching or discussion. Knowledge, by itself, is not necessarily prevention or salvation, but it does provide a foundation for grasping the spectrum and sources of the challenges we face.

2. Disasters

 A dictionary definition of disasters is in many ways unneeded.  We know that a disaster is an event of much destruction and suffering. Nevertheless, a dictionary definition is a shared arbiter of the denotative and connotative meanings of the term. There are many definitions. I like the following from the Webster App:

A sudden calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, or destruction;  Broadly: A sudden or great misfortune or failure.

According to the Webster APP, the term was first used 1568, and is derived from the French “desastre,” and Italian “disastro.”  I once asked my Sicilian mother about the status of a store bought boxed cake: She said in English: “It is a disaster!  Never again!”  There are big and small disasters, there are personal and global disasters.  In all instances, they are not good!

Consider the lexicon of related disaster terms, many of which have biblical referents: Apocalypse, calamitous, cataclysmic, catastrophe, damaging, debacle, destruction, devastating, dreadful, earth-shattering, lethal, momentous, powerful, ruinous, strong, toxic, and virulent!  Simply reading the lexical list is depressing!

As a cultural psychologist, I wondered what terms constitute the lexicon in other languages and cultures. What, for example, would we find in Chinese languages, given the ancient age of this mighty land that has been compelled to withstand natural and man-made disasters for millennia!

Chart 1 is a graphic display of natural disasters.  The Chart offers a quick encompassing view of the spectrum of natural disasters.  Chart 1 is followed by Table 1 which provides a written listing. Once again, my intent was to help discussion and education activities by having a quick reference to the topic.

Chart 2 is a graphic display of human-made and human-facilitated disasters.  The Chart’s contents reveal a tragic compilation of the consequences of human actions upon the species and upon of the natural world.  Some have taken to calling humans the super predator. If only animals and nature could speak? Table 2 provides a written summary.  Words versus images offer no consolation. The following sections elaborate upon disasters, offering  brief commentaries.



(Alphabetical Order) 

  • Asteroids/Meteors (Global) 
  • Avalanches, Mud Slides, Soil Erosion (Global) 
  • Climate Change (Global Warming) (Global) 
  • Drought/Dust/Desertification (e.g., Sub-Saharan Africa) 
  • Earthquakes Land (e.g., San Andreas Fault; Madrid Memphis Fault; Himalayas.  Now earthquakes are occurring in many USA areas because of Fracking) 
  • Earthquakes Ocean (e.g., Fukushima Tsunami, Indonesian Tsunami) 
  • Floods: Rain Storms, Rivers  (West Virginia Floods, Texas Floods, China, Bangladesh, India) 
  • Heat Waves (Global; India)  
  • Livestock Greenhouse Gases   
  • Ocean Resource Depletion (Fish, Water, Pollution) (Global) 
  • Solar Flares (Magnetic Field Collapse) (Global Electric Grid Collapse) 
  • Viral, Bacteria, Fungus Infection Epidemics (e.g., Zika, Pneumonia; Regional and Global) 
  • Volcanic Eruptions (e.g., Indonesia, Chile, Mount St. Helens) 
  • Wild Fires (California, Pacific Northwest, Australia) 
  • Wind Storms (Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Typhoons) (Regional and Global) 

The human, economic, political, and moral costs of natural disasters is beyond estimation. When a mega-natural disaster occurs, all aspects of human and natural life are implicated, often for decades of recovery. Natural disasters are common-place across the world, even as some are confined to certain areas. Whether an onslaught of natural disasters may deplete and erode government capacities for intervention, and provoke regional and national instability is now a major concern.

There can be no doubt of the massive tolls exacted in death, destruction, and injury. The tragedy of natural disasters is further compounded by the fact natural disasters are frequent in number, severe in consequence, and often repetitive. Human roles in creating natural disasters are now widely known, especially in climate change challenges. Certain regions are subject to continual disasters and erosion of recovery resources. The Philippines is an example of this situation.

Human-Made and Human-Facilitated Disasters

The growing number of human-made and human-aided disasters is humbling and frightening. Human stewardship of life in all its forms is proving to be a disaster in itself. I am reminded here of the popular Pogo cartoon:  “We have met the enemy, and it is us.”  True words!

Even as we question why humans continue to engage in self-destructive acts, we are perplexed by the paradoxes. We look to leaders, but amid their corruption, cronyism, and selfish concerns, solutions appear impossible.  A massive financial effort is needed; more importantly, however, there is a need for a new consciousness; humanity is part of nature, not its ruler!

The time-honored motivation of pursuing wealth, power, and position for a few to the exclusion of the welfare of the masses has become the norm.  Tragic!  “When will we ever learn?” These are folk song lyrics filled with the grief and sorrow of failures to learn form our actions.



Even as I write these words, I find myself concerned about humanity’s future.  It is not only humanity’s survival, adaptation, and adjustment as we think of it in conventional terms it is about the extensive reliance on artificial intelligence (AI), and especially the unbridled use of AI in developing robotics. The combination of AI and robotics is challenging our basic assumptions of human nature (i.e. ontology). At some point, AI creations will surpass human capabilities and talents (i.e., singularity).  What then? Will this be another human-made disaster? I called this “Relinguishing Human Identity,” in a chapter on unfolding evolution via bio-metric communication technologies (see Marsella, A.J. (2016).  Gatherings:” A collection of writing genre. Alpharetta, GA: Mountain Arbor Press). Think drones! Think cloning! Think dehumanization! Think dystopia!

(Alphabetical Order)

  • Desertification of Arable Land (Sahara)
  • Fracking (Destruction of Potable Water, Earthquakes) 
  • Industrial accidents (Bhopal, India; Minimata, Japan) 
  • Logging Destruction (Amazon, Borneo, Pacific Northwest) 
  • Major Oil Spills (Exxon Valdez, BP Gulf) 
  • Mass Murders (Orlando, Columbine, Virginia Tech) 
  • Mining Accidents (Coal Ash Leaks) 
  • Nuclear Accidents (Chernobyl,  Fukushima) 
  • Ocean Pollution and Extinction of Marine Species 
  • Radiation Genetic Damage (Socorro, NM, Fallujah, Iraq) 
  • Structure Collapse: Buildings, Bridges (Bangladesh, India, USA) 
  • Terrorist Attacks 
  • Toxic Chemicals (Agent Orange, Vietnam) 
  • Wars (Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan)

And So . . . ?

 What can do we do?  The challenges we face are enormous in proportion and consequence.  The human, natural world, physical world costs exceed imagination. And yet we continue!  Is iit possible to use education to address these challenges?  Not traditional education mired in skill sets and memorization, but rather the introduction of visionary thoughts and knowledge.  Imagine all college students having to begin their education by exposure in the first years to “Big History,” overviews of major history events and forces, including the ideologies and malicious forces that guide and nurture them.

Imagine elementary school children in the third grade exposed to the critical social, economic, and political events and forces shaping their lives so they do not become numb to the events and forces.  The intent is a new consciousness. This is what the famous Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire, proposed in his critical pedagogy: Critical consciousness! In English “Conscientization; in Portuguese, “conscientizacao.” Education is not neutral. (See Wikepedia and Paulo Friere (1997), Pedagogy of the Oppressed (NY: Continuum Publishing).  If education serves those in power, it is indoctrination! Is critical pedagogy any less important than fractions or grammar?

If we are to survive the onslaught of disasters, we will need to think in a more activist way, and to grasp the consequences of our choices. We must not socialize conformity to our existing world, but rather arouse awareness and encourage protests toward our failures.

Albert Einstein, advised: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them” Albert Einstein is no longer with us, but his words remain, and demand attention. Anything less … a disaster!

Author:  Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii, Manoa Campus, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96822. He is the author and editor of twenty books, and more than 300 publications noted for challenging the ethnocentricity and biases of Western psychology and psychiatry, and for advocating peace and social justice.

Who is Anna Belen Montes? Part 2.

By Kathleen Malley-Morrison and Guest Author Sean Joseph Clancy

Federal Medical Center, Carswell
Image is in the public domain.

In our last post, we introduced the case of Anna Belen Montes, asking whether she should be considered a spy or a whistle blower because of passing information to the Cuban government concerning U.S. plans she considered dangerous to Cuba.

Ana is presently detained in a psychiatric ward in the Carswell Federal Medical Center, inside the military installations of the U.S. Marines Air Station at Fort Worth. This “medical center” has been called the “hospital of horrors” by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Texas. Being sent there, the ACLUTX tells us, can be a death sentence for the women housed there.

Today, Sean Joseph Clancy tells us how Ana has been treated since her conviction for spying for the Cuban government.

At Carswell, Ana is locked up with some of the most dangerous women in the U.S. prison system—e.g., a former housewife who strangled her pregnant neighbor because she wanted the child, a nurse who murdered four patients by injecting them with massive adrenaline overdoses, and the notorious “Shrill” Lynette Fromme, a follower of Charles Manson who tried to assassinate President Gerald Ford.

Among the harsh and cruel conditions of detention imposed on Ana:

*Contact restrictions to only her closest relatives

*A prohibition on inquiries about her health or the reasons for her detention in a center for the mentally ill, when she suffers no such condition.

*Prohibitions on receiving packages, associating with other inmates, making or receiving phone calls, reading newspapers and magazines, and watching TV.

Detainees at Carswell have suffered gross violations of their human and constitutional rights, including documented cases of police abuse, suspicious deaths, deaths due to the denial of basic medical attention, rape by guards, and exposure to toxic substances. 

To me, her treatment is reminiscent of the use of psychiatric hospitals in the Soviet Union, where political prisoners were isolated from the rest of society, discredited for their ideas, and broken down physically and mentally.  Are we really comfortable letting such treatment happen in the United States in 2016?

Kathie Malley-Morrison and Sean Joseph Clancy

Learn more about Sean Joseph Clancy athttp://en.escambray.cu/2013/the-irishman-who-dreams-with-the-cuban-five/


Were truer words ever spoken?

April 11, 2015 “The culmination of years of talks resulted in this handshake between the President and Cuban President Raúl Castro during the Summit of the Americas in Panama City, Panama.” (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) Image is in the public domain.

In explaining his decision to end the US policy of isolating Cuba, President Obama recently said, “We know from hard-learned experience that it is better to encourage and support reform than to impose policies that will render a country a failed state.” 

These are wise words. Not a single other country in the world supported the US policy of isolating Cuba, and we should applaud the role of Pope Francis and others who helped the US and Cuba move toward reconciliation.

In discussing steps in the normalizing of relationships, President Obama mentioned the release from Cuban prison of USAID sub-contractor Alan Gross, held for five years on charges of spying, as well as the release from US prison of the final three of the Cuban Five, accused of conspiracy to commit espionage and held in maximum security prisons across the US.

President Obama also referred to human rights abuses in Cuba, proclaiming thatBut I’m under no illusion about the continued barriers to freedom that remain for ordinary Cubans” and “I call on all of my fellow leaders to give meaning to the commitment to democracy and human rights at the heart of the Inter-American Charter.”

To avoid rightful invocations of hypocrisy, the United States government needs to review its own barriers to freedom for immigrants and people of color. Ana Belen Montes is still locked up in a psychiatric ward at the ncis. US whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling is still imprisoned for spying (because he provided classified information to New York Times reporter James Risen about deliberate misinformation given to Iran). And also right here in the USA, immigrant children are kept in prison-like institutions.

Kathie Malley-Morrison, Professor of Psychology