Reflections on Government Change, Reform, Renewal: Suggested Topics for Discussion, Dialog, and Debate, Part 2

by Anthony J. Marsella (Originally posted on March 21, 2016, by Kathie Malley-Morrison. Republished today for the benefit of the incoming administration in Washington D.C.)

A no-money handshake, Author, User:Herostratus & User:Masur. In the public domain.

Demoralized from the broken myths I discussed in my last post, I decided to accept my friend’s challenge.  Some recommendations for changes that I feel are needed, and justified, are listed below.  I find the possibility of a national dialog, discussion, and debate inspiring.

Suggestions Government Structure and Process

I offer the following recommendations for change! I do so to raise public consciousness and to provoke discussion and debate regarding challenges we are facing as communities, societies, and as a nation.

I do so also to call attention to the struggle for individual rights and dignity in a global era in which the proportion, process, ideological issues have limited an individual citizen’s choices to activism, protest, and dissent, all of which have become violations in the context of current government abuses and oppression.

At the core of my recommendations is the search for “justice.” “Justice,” as fairness and opportunity for all, must be the arbiter. Disproportionate concentration of power, position, and person influence among a few wealthy citizens violates our constitutional guarantee for equality, freedom, and opportunity.

Government for a few, by a few is illegal, immoral, and criminal. There is an urgent need for transparency, accountability, and legal recourse for reform. Changes are needed! Asymmetric imbalances in decision-making, influence, and accessibility are destroying public trust and loyalty.

 Recommendations Regarding Government Elective Offices

Term: One six-year term for president

One Term: No president may serve another term of presidential office . . . ever!

Profit from Office: Retired or dismissed presidents should not be paid to deliver addresses, consultation, or opinion by private or government sources. If paid, the amount should be a modest honorarium, publically acknowledged and shared with charitable interests.

The presidency must not be a path to wealth accumulation. The office of the presidency is about politicization; presidents should not abuse the honor and privilege of the office for personal gain. Their place in history should be sufficient.

Disclosure: Complete and verified disclosure, by every presidential candidate, of all financial resources and assets, and of the individuals in positions of wealth, power, and position who have supported their election.

Affiliations: Complete and verified disclosure of all organizational affiliations and memberships of those running for political office, especially the presidency.

Campaign Promises: Statement of promises and positions for all candidates must be presented to the public, and with details about expected timetables and observed challenges. Failure to keep campaign promises can result in legal removal from elected office under grounds of violations, lies, and misrepresentations to public trust.

It is clear a candidate should not be elected on a list of promises, and fail subsequently to purse them. If unable to do so, honor requires the elected official to resign rather than yield to compromise and change.  Detailed explanations must be offered.

Positions: All candidates for elected office must respond to a critical list of major social, political, economic, and moral issues to identify their respective positions on the issues. Positions must be expressed in clear language, not “double-speak,” nor “spin!”

Two-Party System Problems: Efforts must be made to establish and sustain more than two dominant political parties in local, state, and national elections. Rules and laws for active visibility and participation of alternatives to Democrat and Republican Parties must be encouraged, permitting equality of recognition and support. Although the two-party political system served our nation well for many years, it is clear the two parties have come to represent special interests because of lobbyist funding and the preferences of wealthy individuals (e.g., Koch Brothers to spend $1 billion on current presidential elections).

New political parties must be added whose loyalties will be to citizens and nation rather than special interests.  It has now become public opinion that regardless of what party wins, those in power remain in power: there is no difference!  One commentator stated the two parties (i.e., democrats and republicans) are now like “Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola: both bad for you, even as they advertise their disguised merits.

Perhaps it is time to consider a parliamentary system to accommodate to the diversity of our nation. I cannot see our existing two party election system becoming anything more than a political vehicle for limited individuals.  Consider what is happening at this very moment in time. Bossism is not new, but never has it been so apparent.

Contributions: No contributions from corporations or organizations. Limit of $100.00 for individuals with specific identification of their affiliation. Efforts to encourage en-masse individual member contributions from agencies, organizations, and/or corporations are illegal and immoral, and stand in violation of the intent of this principle.

Media Biases: Media political biases in favoring particular political positions should be cited and announced prior to any editorializing. Media biases represent “lobbying” for power and influence for special interests.  The traditional view of the fourth estate as a corrective factor in politics has failed. Most media are now simply collectives of for profit special interest people and organizations.

Congressional Term Limits: USA senators and representatives will be limited to two 4 year terms in office. There will be no re-runs. The empowerment of these officials is a danger for our nation. Power becomes invested in seniority roles, often times from small States, where incumbents can remain in power for decades, shaping local and national policies. Too much room for corruption and cronyism.

Seniority System Abuses: Seniority systems should be abandoned in favor of elected positions of congressional and representative offices. Seniority systems empower a few individuals to exact total control over public policy and issues.  After many years in senatorial office, those with seniority can become too powerful and dictate the course of our nation. They may be elected, but the seniority system constitutes fertile ground for abuses and inequities. This has been a major source of abuse by individual senators and representatives.  With their seniority came unlimited power to serve special interests and their own ego’s pursuit of an enduring legacy evidenced in building, monuments,

Dual Citizenships and Loyalties: Individuals with dual citizenship cannot be appointed to a public office at any level. Abuse  occurred when a score or more of dual citizenship (Israel and American) people controlled major government offices in the Departments of State and Defense, especially during the Bush-Cheney presidency years. In addition, they served as major consultants and advisers to the presidency and to congressional members. There is a growing opinion that current regional wars and destruction were promoted for special national interests. Closely related is the issue of dual loyalties in which individuals act to preserve powers of their loyalty ties.

Lobbyists: Lobbying of any individual or organizational source must be identified and registered, and their particular cause or interest identified and made available to public scrutiny. It is rumored that K-Street in Washington, DC, has hundreds of special interests lobbyists and lobbyist organizations.

Open Government: Records of all meetings of government officials at any level with representatives of lobby groups must be identified and made available to public (i.e., No back room or back door meetings in which lobbyists write laws to serve their interests)

Gift Giving: No gifts to any government officials in any way by foreign government or organizational interests.  This includes domestic individuals, groups, or organizations claiming to serve certain legitimate interests (e.g., Multi-National Corporations, AIPAC, ADL, treaty interests and obligations).

Election Funding: Funding of all elections will be supported by specific government funds limited to the level of elective office, and in any case, will not exceed 100 million dollars. It is estimated that the current presidential election will expend more than one billion dollars via media and related election activities.  This is excessive, and serves a limited usefulness for citizens.  It also turns elections in favor of influential wealth interests.

Issues of Process and Regulation

Prosecution of Crimes and Abuses: A tragic consequence of government and private violations of laws and regulations is the failure of prosecution at all levels. For example, obvious war crimes are not prosecuted, even as they are clear violations and abuses of national and international law. The absence of transparency, accountability, and legal recourse is major source of citizen distrust.

Cronyism, Nepotism, Tribalism: Careful monitoring of appointments of relatives to political offices. Nepotism is common, especially at local levels.  Reliance on family via political appointment facilitates possible abuses of the public trust. Recent president elections have pointed out the tactic of “dynastic” empowerment.  This is an obvious affront to all citizens,as name recognition and preferential positioning encourages “dynastic” power.  In some ways, this is akin to royalty in Europe; an unwarranted inheritance of power and position. Royalty, in my opinion, constitutes an egregious abuse of rights.  It is not a symbol! It is a continuation of abuses associated with past centuries.

Citizen Complaint Office: Expansion of citizen complaint offices and consumer affairs offices to improve access and services. Abuses by government and private sources are becoming endemic, and citizens have little access to remediation.

Responsible Journalism: Expansion of investigative journalism–a  legitimate ‘fourth estate,” is essential.  Citizens need to be able to rely on an honest press, determined to investigate and reveal abuses in society. Unfortunately, media resources committed to citizen protection have yielded to political, economic, and cultural special interests. It has been said: “News is now driven by entertainment value.” Quick bites of information, serving special interests!

Whistleblower Protection: Expanded protection of whistleblowers. Government and corporate whistleblowers represent efforts by individuals and organizations to expose illegal activities at all levels. Too often, whistleblowers are labeled as criminals, and punished for their revelations.  While some may be illegal by law, they may not be illegal from a moral and ethical perspective. The money and power available to government and organizations to defend their practices is extensive, while whistleblowers have few resources.  Whistleblower financial and legal resource should be increased.

Taxation Policies: Taxation is a major source of government financial activities and policies. It is now clear there are gross inequities and corruption in our taxation system.  Perhaps it would be better to halt tax deductions and their loopholes, and establish a common 10% tax on all earned income for individuals and corporations.  This is called a “common” tax approach.

The idea that wealth can be taxed at higher rates to support other social and financial strata will simply result in more legal protections for their wealth.  The use of off-shore tax havens constitutes a crime of privilege.  It must be ended. A straightforward common tax would also address the abuses of the IRS, especially its special interests.

State versus Federal Governance: The issue of State versus Federal rights and responsibilities has become a source of great national fractionation and violence. Clearly, the United States of America exists as a nation, even as its citizens have suffered a loss of participatory democracy in governance.

Nevertheless, efforts must be made to clarify the current ambiguity, which is creating critical economic, political, and social problems.  A public discussion and debate presenting all sides of this issue is needed.  While this may not resolve the problems, it will be a step toward improved understanding. Education, health, citizen rights.

The Electoral College: It is well known that popular election vote results are not the deciding point in an election.  Rather, delegates cast votes according to a contrived proportion, supposedly in accord with a popular vote, but not subject to it.

This system represents a serious flaw, capable of discounting results of an actual popular election vote, and leaving choices of a victor in the hands of political appointees.  A popular vote should be the arbiter of winning an election.  The addition of the Electoral College is an anachronistic policy subject to corruption and abuse.

Judicial Branches

Judicial Reconsideration: Everyone is aware of the executive, congressional, and judicial branches of our government – a marvelous system of check and balances – until one of the branches is offered the latitude to extend its power beyond it legal and privileged station. When the Supreme Court offers corporations equal status with individual citizens for making donations and for preserving protections, the balance is destroyed. The same can be said of presidential signing statements. The latter empowers the president to ignore congressional acts, by interpreting them from a presidential perspective.  We must return to a balanced government with integrity and justice governing our government.

Supreme Court Judge Selection: The process of Supreme Court judge selection has become politicized with tragic consequences.  Decisions now become ideological statements rather than studies of the laws, their sources, and the opportunities for change. New judges should be monitored by public citizen groups to determine if they are biased.  We must restore honor an dignity to the Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Justice Terms: All Justices must resign at age 75.  In accord with suggestions regarding political offices, they should not be able to profit from their position of trust and service by accepting and receiving huge honoraria for speeches and presentations.  It is essential the Supreme Court Judges remain above reproach and be considered the highest honor accorded by a society, a reverence for  law, justice, and wisdom.

National Security and Security Acts

Surveillance, Monitoring, Archiving: Government must cease surveillance, monitoring, and archiving of citizens. While issues of local and national security are real and must be pursued, it is clear that there have been numerous violations of laws, regulations, and privileges. Existing procedures for guaranteeing rights are flawed and permit and encourage abuses.  Courts and judicial panels are subject to political interference and biases.  A citizen may be placed under special watch with consequence abuses through the opinions of those in authority without cause. The surveillance may be total, and unrelenting, even as it is undeserved, encouraged by a jealous acquaintance with no justification.

Foreign and Commercial Surveillance: Use of security data from other nations and private corporations constitutes a risk for the individual and/or groups, and requires careful monitoring lest abuses occur. To escape condemnation and prosecution, governments currently may rely on foreign or private surveillance in pursuit of its agendas.

Private and Religious Organization Abuses: Some private, religious, and political organizations, such as the Anti-Defamation League, exercise abuse and bias of individuals at their discretion.  They label a person or group as anti-Semitic, and then engage in efforts to prove this charge, and to pursue prosecution, or other forms of abuse. This empowers their agenda and interests and can abuse rights of critical individuals and groups.

Special Surveillance Programs: The creation of various national security programs and projects to gain additional control and domination of the public must be halted.  For example, Project Infra-Gard was founded in 2008 by an FBI agent to assist the FBI in surveillance and monitoring. Essentially, Project Infra-Gard has enlisted the assistance of hundreds of thousands of businesses and corporations to provide the FBI with any individual or group deemed to be a “risk.”

Thus, we now have every store, shopping mall, employer, etc., offering info to the FBI.  But who are the providers? Let us suppose you argue with a grocery clerk regarding a charge; the store can submit your name as a problem customer.  Did you complain? Get set for 1984! A nation of snitches!


There you have it; a score, or more, of issues warranting local and national discussion, dialog, and debate. The issues are not new!  What is new are the times in which we are living. Our times are filled with many challenges. The sanctity of our existing government system must not confine us to blindly accepting the system. What troubles me so much is the failure of our “System” to respond.  Systems and structures continue, not because they are the best, but because they are now flawed by corrupt leaders favoring special interests. Lobbyist run are government! They do not represent citizens.  Increased citizen knowledge and discontent supports activism.  We should not shy from the process. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii (Honolulu, Hawaii). He is widely recognized as a pioneer figure in cultural and international psychology and psychopathology. He has published 20 books and more than 300 journal, chapter, and popular articles. He is the recipient of numerous national and international awards.

Reflections on Government Change, Reform, Renewal, Suggested Topics for Discussion, Dialog, and Debate, Part 1

by Anthony J. Marsella, (originally published on March 18, 2016, by Kathie MM. Reposted today for the benefit of the incoming administration in Washington D.C.)


A no-money handshake, Author, User:Herostratus & User:Masur. In the public domain.

Introduction Several months ago, a friend and colleague familiar with my relentless idealistic aspirations for improving government, said to me: “So what would you change? How would you improve the situation?” How would you make it better for everyone? 

A good question and one well warranted! I suspect the request was meant to silence my complaints, even as my friend agreed my complaints and criticisms were justified. The difficulty is, the problems are disproportionate in number and complexity. Reciprocity and interdependency of the problems defy any hope of simple solutions.

Appeals to the  branches of federal government (i.e., Executive, Representational, Judicial) are futile, because these branches are the source of many of the problems, and will only serve to promote their special powers and influence.  Corruption, cronyism, and competition have infected all branches, and, some claim, limit function and purpose, requiring a nefarious and reprehensible “shadow government” consisting of a “military-industrial complex” favoring special interests.

The problem is the existing “System” of governance! It is politicized, asymmetrical, and unresponsive to needed changes, sustaining abuses and inequities. The “System” is the vehicle for consolidating wealth, power, and position of a few at the cost of the many.  Citizen activism seems to have little impact. In a previous publication, titled “The Just Enough Policy,” I argued government keeps citizen protests minimal, by offering “just enough” to maintain citizen comfort (Marsella, A.J. (2014). The just enough policy: Behavior control of collective protest through minimum reward. War, Peace, Justice: An Unfinished Tapestry. Aurelius Press, Alpharetta, Georgia, pp 97-104).

Even with official government claims of deference, respect, and admirations for our iconic founding documents, voiced for election image purposes, the “System” engages in passing thousands of laws, regulations, and privileges whose content and consequences eludes even the most ardent of reformers. The laws, regulations, and privileges morph into scores of new departments, institutions, agencies, organizations, and support services, impossible to eliminate or control, and with little transparency and accountability.  Each department, institution, agency, and organization becomes a power unto itself, acting to perpetuate its existence, even as it no longer has a function or cause.

Laws, regulations, and privileges enacted by the “System” become endless responses to urgent crises; power asymmetries; unmet defense, social, and economic requirements; special industrial and corporate interests insuring profits and dominance; and political accommodations to elected and appointed government officials quietly lobbying for favorite projects (e.g., bridge to nowhere). All are the stuff of the megalithic “System” defying change. From this “System,” just and unjust governance is enacted daily. Inconsistencies, conflicts, and abuses in enforcement and applications thrive, subject to the interests of those in power.

Citizens have lost trust in government and institutions. Surveys place public trust in government at less than 10%. Current presidential debates, even amid their differences, reveal the extent to which institutions serve the interests of special interests. Each candidate argues we are in moral, political, and legal collapse.  None offer profound recommendations for change, fearing perhaps being termed a radical or worst.  Citizens are required to accept myths whose continuation is reinforced by biased media propaganda and “strat com” (i.e., strategic communications – biased lies).

A Sampling of Myths

Myths are important, yet as they fall, we are left with uncertainty and disappointment. Myth are widely held perceptions and expectations accepted as “true.” Myths function to guide our behavior by constructing beliefs we consider as “accurate” assumptions about the world. Some of the most critical myths are now considered untenable and in need of major critique and reform. These include:

  • Capitalism is the best foundation for a national economy, only moderately subject to corruption and abuse. Clearly, capitalism and its Wall Street castle has demonstrated its inherent tyrannical and exploitive nature.
  •  Democracy is the foundation of our government system. Tragically, it is clear democracy has yielded to oligarchy, cronyism, and nepotism. It is perhaps better termed “demonocracy” and “hypocracy.”
  • Two-Party Political System, long the foundation of elected government, has proven to be an anachronism, in need of change in response to national diversity in political, ideological, moral, and economic profiles. Political interests claim ownership of the two major parties, placing power in the hands of a few. Cronyism, corruption, nepotism, and oligarchy dominate the structure and process.
  •  Equality before the law is proven daily to be violated in American society. Equality is, in fact, subject to a distorted distribution favoring the privileged.  “Black Lives Matter” is a visible response to the inequities.
  •  Freedom, as choice, is not available to all. Rather freedom is subject to status markers (e.g., men have more freedom than women; whites more freedom than people of color; rich more freedom than poor). The “System” is the greatest source limiting freedom; Government and private sources are engaged in mass surveillance, monitoring, and archiving.
  •  Moral Authority of the United States of America is lost. We have no moral compass that has not been erased or destroyed by our political and economic actions. We have, as a nation, pursued scores of reckless regime overthrows, and engaged in invasion, occupation, and exploitation. “The ends justify the means!” is the Government’s motto.  Ethics, law, and justice are no longer arbiters of policies and actions.
  • Peace is not a USA goal! The peace we seek as nation is a peace permitting selfish exploitation of special interests (e.g., commercial, foreign government allies). We are a violent society and nation. We are a culture of war!

What can be done? What changes must be made? See my next post.   

Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii (Honolulu, Hawaii). He is widely recognized as a pioneer figure in cultural and international psychology and psychopathology. He has published 20 books and more than 300 journal, chapter, and popular articles. He is the recipient of numerous national and international awards.Post navigationWho are the real environmental terrorists??? Part 2. →← Reflections on Government Change, Reform, Renewal: Suggested Topics for Discussion, Dialog, and Debate, Part 2

With the Win-Win Machine, Most of Us Actually Lose

by Roy Eidelson


Somewhere, deep in the bowels of our nation’s capital, today’s Democratic Party establishment keeps close guard over a hulking, fearsome, and often temperamental machine. With hundreds of moving parts, it’s surprising that the elaborate contraption has only one purpose: to take bold and popular policy proposals that could improve millions of lives, chew them up, and then spit out much feebler versions that don’t materially threaten the status quo. Servicing this apparatus isn’t cheap. But that’s not a problem because so many corporate behemoths—Wall Street, Big Oil, health insurers, Big Pharma, defense contractors, and beyond—are more than happy to foot the bill. They’re also very generous when it comes to tipping the machine’s operators, which apparently is how the Win-Win Machine got its name.

Given how well this arrangement works for its beneficiaries, the Democratic leadership understandably finds it unsettling whenever progressive candidates—having won office despite the considerable obstacles routinely erected by the Democratic National Committee and its offshoots—enter Congress but refuse to get their hands dirty by helping out with the Win-Win Machine. Indeed, worries about the machine’s future—and the buckets of money it reliably brings—are undoubtedly part of the impetus behind a post-election narrative being promoted by establishment Democrats. They claim that support for “socialism” among progressive candidates—in the form of Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and other efforts to counter injustice and inequality—is the reason the party failed to expand its control of the House or win back the Senate.

But the evidence doesn’t fit this self-serving account. Around the country, progressive candidates—and policies—flourished. Noteworthy winners in their races include Rashida Tlaib in Michigan, Ilhan Omar in Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley in Massachusetts, Pramila Jayapal in Washington, Cori Bush in Missouri, Marie Newman in Illinois, Katie Porter and Ro Khanna in California, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jamaal Bowman, and Mondaire Jones in New York. As Bernie Sanders wrote a week after Election Day, “It turns out that supporting universal health care during a pandemic and enacting major investments in renewable energy as we face the existential threat to our planet from climate change is not just good public policy. It also is good politics.”

Nevertheless, the seemingly coordinated blame-the-Left propaganda we’re now hearing was entirely predictable—because it soothes the billionaire class. And for those politicians who prioritize comfort over consequence in their careers, that may be what matters most. So progressives are portrayed as misguided and misinformed, as out of touch with what Americans really want, and as proponents of dangerous reforms. In sharp contrast, so-called centrists are depicted as having been unjustly victimized and as blameless for the party’s shortcomings. The don’t-rock-the-boat Democrats who encourage this view have a clear goal: to demoralize, marginalize, ostracize, and intimidate those members who they fear will muck up the Win-Win Machine.

Meanwhile, for the many millions of Americans who were unenthusiastic about Joe Biden’s “nothing will fundamentally change” platform yet voted for him anyway because they understood the necessity of preventing another horrific four years of Donald Trump, this open hostility toward a progressive agenda undermines their interests, their values, and their aspirations. If Biden now selects only corporate-friendly, status-quo-defending advisors and Cabinet members, and if he touts watered-down bipartisan “solutions” as stunning successes, it will further cement the betrayal.

Of course, none of this suggests that Trump, Mitch McConnell, and other Republican Party leaders are any better. Indeed, they’re much worse. Consistently ruthless and single-minded in pursuing a narrow and greed-driven agenda, they count on fearmongering, racist dog-whistling, and appeals to blind patriotism to attract the intolerant and the disillusioned. Even with Trump gone, there’s little reason to expect that this GOP strategy will change.

But this reality doesn’t mean that we have to wholeheartedly embrace and defend Democratic politicians who condemn their progressive counterparts while jeopardizing the common good by deferring to the divergent preferences of their largest donors. Instead, let’s insist that these Democrats begin the new era ahead by finding a more suitable home for their anti-democratic Win-Win Machine.

Two options quickly come to mind: toss the entire contraption into the Potomac, or install it in the Smithsonian for public viewing—as a reminder of how a political party can lose its way by abandoning its core principles and its most vulnerable constituents.


Roy Eidelson is a past president of Psychologists for Social Responsibility and the former executive director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict. His book Political Mind Games: How the 1% Manipulate Our Understanding of What’s Happening, What’s Right, and What’s Possible is now available as afree PDF. Follow him on Twitter at @royeidelson.