It’s still working!

Trump Muslim Ban Protest – Turner Park – Omaha, NE. 29 January 2017. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Author: Shelby Bell from Omaha, NE, US.

Fascism may be once again on the rise, but democracy is not dead yet, and YOU can help democracy prevail—which is a whole lot more sensible than giving in and bowing down to the forces that would like to lead the country into World War Three, further enriching the alt-conservative billionaires, and finalizing the transformation of the United States into the WASPMR (White Anglo Saxon Protestant Male Republic).

Look! Listen! Smell! Resist is in the air.
Write! Call! Join! Protest is everywhere.

Here are some of the opportunities arising to help Take America Forward.

Join the Facebook #TheIdesOfTrump postcard writing campaign.

Spread the word about the General Strikes being planned for February and March 8

Watch for updated reports on other plans for General Strikes .

Keep your ears open for opportunities to make your views known at local town meetings as was done here and and at local community protests as was done here on Inauguration day at the Peace Abbey in Sherborn, MA.

And keep the faith. Nonviolent activism has a long history of success.

P.S. Even if you are not expecting any imminent invitations from the White House, draw courage from the examples of the Boston Patriots who declined Donald Trump’s invitation to come celebrate their Super Bowl victory at his humble new abode—including, as of now, the following: Chris Long, LeGarrette Blount, Alan Branch Dont’a Hightower, Devin McCourty and Martellus Bennett.


American military intervention since 1950. Author: Andrew0921. In the public domain.

by Stefan Schindler

America has the largest empire in world history, guarded by a thousand military bases around the world; yet most Americans don’t know there is such a thing as the American empire, even though they’re paying for it.  Most Americans don’t know that dismantling the empire would be the single most important step toward world peace and the solving of our ever deepening federal deficit and domestic financial crisis.

Gore Vidal coined the phrase “The United States of Amnesia.”  Of course, citizens can’t forget what they never knew.  Here are some facts to compensate for the American system of compulsory miseducation, political disinformation, and mainstream news media distortion:

1 – If U.S. naval commander Commodore Perry had not sailed his warships into Tokyo harbor in 1853, forcing Japan to end two centuries of international isolation, Japan could not have industrialized so quickly as to invade China in 1936, bomb Pearl Harbor a few years later, and launch the Second World War in the Pacific.

2 – Mark Twain, witnessing America’s eight-year terror campaign against the people of the Philippines in the so-called “Spanish-American War,” declared: “America’s flag should be a skull and crossbones.”  During the Spanish-American war, America never went to war with Spain, but simply took for its own the former Spanish colonies of Puerto Rico and the Philippines.

3 – American troops invaded Russian in 1918 in an effort to reverse the Russian Revolution of 1917, which overthrew centuries of Tsarist dictatorship and economic apartheid.  American soldiers were ordered to side with the remnants of the Tsar’s army, thereby helping create and sustain a devastating Russian civil war, preventing Lenin from instituting democratic reforms, and giving rise to Stalin’s dictatorship.  Woodrow Wilson’s invasion of Russia sought to prevent the rise of “social democracy” as a political, egalitarian alternative to capitalism.  This agenda was furthered by Harry Truman, who, after WWII, demonized Russia to frighten the American people into paying for a monstrous and unnecessary war machine.

4 – President Truman created an unaccountable national security state in 1947, when he sanctioned a secret government in the form of the National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency.

Co-founder of The National Registry for Conscientious Objection, a Woodrow Wilson Fellow, a recipient of The Boston Baha’i Peace Award, and a Trustee of The Life Experience School and Peace Abbey Foundation, Dr. Schindler received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Boston College, worked one summer in a nature preserve, lived in a Zen temple for a year, did the pilot’s voice in a claymation video of St. Exupery’s The Little Prince, acted in “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf,” and performed as a musical poet in Philadelphia, Boston, and New York City.  He also wrote The Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Awards for Howard Zinn and John Lennon.  He is now semi-retired and living in Salem, Massachusetts.