Can you watch this trailer and do nothing?

by Kathie MM

Here’s the facts, ma’am.  Just the facts, sir. The crushingly vivid facts are available, but you don’t see them on the corporate media. Those  media serve the military-industrial complex, and the military-industrial complex benefits from death and destruction.  You don’t.  Nobody does in the long run.

Please watch the trailer again and again and ask yourself, “Can I really do nothing?  Can I turn a blind eye on the carnage my government is perpetrating in my name, in the phony names of peace and democracy? Can America be great while allowing a few powerful interests to profit from the murder of innocent men, women, and children elsewhere?” There is absolutely no moral justification for what is being done.

Watch the trailer.  Find and watch the whole film. Forward the links.  Search for the voices of peace.  Fight despair.  Identify and support the voices of peace.  Vote for the advocates of peace, the opponents of war.  You can do it and sleep better at night.

And if you need more facts, read Andrew Bacevich’s America’s War for the Greater Middle East.  Facing the facts is a bitter pill to swallow but if we don’t all take our medicine, the murderous epidemic being spread by the people in power who control our country and its resources will envelop everyone.