New Year’s resolutions: Rein in war, ring in peace

What are the 10 most popular New Year’s resolutions of Americans? According to, they are: drink less alcohol; eat healthy food; get a better education; get a better job; get fit; lose weight; manage stress; quit smoking; reduce, reuse, and recycle; save money; take a trip; volunteer to help others.

Resolutions notebook
Image in public domain

Come on guys, we can do better than this. Other than the final item on the list, these all seem so individualistic. And so focused on making oneself feel better, when maybe that’s pretty hard to do all by oneself.

How about some resolutions to help you connect with others in a positive way, working at making the world better for all? Here are some suggestions:

Embrace nonviolence

Nullify nuclear weapons

Gather with other lovers of peace

Ask who profits from war and weapons sales

Go in the path of peace

Elevate love in your daily interactions

Invoke peace when others threaten violence

Never say no to peace

Protest social injustice

Educate children about the benefits of peace

Ask not just what peace can do for you; ask what you can do for peace

Challenge the promoters of violence

Engage in peace

May you enjoy a happy, peaceful New Year!

Kathie Malley-Morrison, Professor of Psychology