There’s Blood on Their Hands—Lots of It

Anti-colonialism demonstrators before the 1945 Sétif and Guelma massacre of Algerians by the French
Image by Vikoula5 and in the public domain.

The recent massacre of civilians in Paris was horrific, unconscionable, and despicable—as has been the response in Paris, the US, and elsewhere in the West. Revenge, revenge, revenge is the resonating cry. The innocent victims of the terrorist attacks did not deserve their fate; nor did the innocent victims of centuries of French—and other Western, including American–colonialism.

The ethic of reciprocity, that “do unto others” Golden Rule, is a life- and fairness-promoting mantra; too often, we hear instead an “eye for an eye” refrain. Here we go again, with violence begetting violence and  it is fool-hardy to think further violence will put an end to the discontent, the rage, the enmity associated in part with centuries of Western exploitation, repression, and violence in other parts of the world.

Let’s take the case of France. During the 1600s, France began establishing colonies in North America, the Caribbean, and India—although “establish” is a euphemism. What France did was aggressively seize control of areas far from its own borders, and rule them until control was seized by someone else, generally Great Britain (another model of ruthless imperialism).

In the mid-nineteenth century, France extended its strong arm into Africa, Indochina, and the South Pacific. When people whose skin is black, brown, or yellow—“people of color”—are ruled over by white people, history has shown us that the rulers do not grasp the hands of the indigenous people in brotherhood, whatever their national mottos might be. The bloody wars in Algeria and Vietnam were in my lifetime. Hard for me to believe that there are nations in these “modern” and “civilized” times whose leaders view it as okay to take over land long occupied by other people, or leaders who do not think of “colonization” as a dirty word.

Historical memory tends to be very long. For many decades after the last rebellious Native American Indian went to his reward, American children played “Cowboys and Indians,” and all those children, like you, knew who the “bad guys” were–at least according to the stories told to them.

Let’s start working on better ways of dealing with violence then engaging in yet more acts of revenge that can only perpetuate the cycle.

P.S. The attacks on Beirut and the Russian plane were just as unconscionable as the one in Paris and should not be brushed aside just because we are better able to see the French as like us.

Kathie Malley-Morrison, Professor of Psychology

USA: A culture of violence

[Note from Kathie Malley-Morrison: Today’s post begins a series on the culture of violence in the United States.]

By guest author Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D.

As the immediate emotions of the presidential elections pass — the euphoria and elation of the winners, the grief, despair, anger of the losers — the harsh realities of daily life once again emerge. Among these is the widespread violence that exists in the United States—many examples of which are displayed in the graphic.

Diagram of culture of violence


As demonstrated, the manifestations and consequences of violent acts are extensive. In the U.S. (and elsewhere), a “culture of violence” is generated, sustained, and promoted by acts that arise from both individual and collective impulse and intent. These acts all too often find tolerance and approval across political, economic, educational, military, and moral policies of institutions.

The diagram is neither comprehensive nor explanatory, aside from recognizing the reciprocity of the different acts and sources of violence. Each act of violence is both a source and consequence of other acts of violence—the inverse of an ethic of reciprocity.

What do you think of this model of a culture of violence? Can you see the ways in which animal cruelty, bullying, gangs, and the American media may be related to poverty, racism, inequality, and our high rate of incarceration in this country? And vice versa?

We will be writing more about these issues over the next few weeks and welcome your comments—including your suggestions for additions to or subtractions from this model of a culture of violence.

Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, and Past President of Psychologists for Social Responsibility (PsySR)

A new birth of freedom

“[W]e here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain–that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom–and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”  (Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg, PA, November 19, 1863)

Abraham Lincoln, 1858
Abraham Lincoln, 1858. Image in public domain.

As we celebrate Lincoln’s birthday on Sunday, let’s reflect on  freedoms that still demand pursuit. There are many:

  • Freedom from racism, sexism, prejudice, and discrimination
  • Freedom from tyranny and injustice
  • Freedom to have control and choice in regard to one’s body, one’s mind, one’s labor
  • Freedom to live by the ethic of reciprocity without being punished for doing so.

Right now, important efforts to obtain freedom and democracy are underway in many parts of the world, and often without the support of our own democracy in the U.S.

Our own democracy is in need of support as well, as it is often undermined by our own government and citizens in the name of national security.

The United States does not have a good record regarding support for democratic movements elsewhere in the world. As a Muslim friend of mine said, the election of Barack Obama was in many ways revolutionary—an effort to take back the power of the people, by the people, and for the people from the ruling military/industrial/media complex.

The pro-democracy and Occupy movements throughout the world offer an opportunity for the President and the American people to put our money, support, and understanding where its professed values lie—to advance freedom, democracy, and peace.

Kathie Malley-Morrison, Professor of Psychology