EP Silenced! (But not for long!)

by Kathie MM

Like thousands of other progressive, social justice-oriented, representative democracy-promoting sites, Engaging Peace was attacked with malware before the recent elections. Thus, we had no chance to publish our second get-out-the vote newsletter supplement with this post by Dr. Roy Eidelson and this one by Rev Dr Doe West.

But we’re baaack, bolder than ever, and thrilled with the outcome of the elections. The grassroots efforts, including by Engaging Peace, to get out the vote and move the country towards a more progressive, socially just, and democratic union, worked. The millions and millions of dollars spent by the old guard, the rich, the greedy, the military industrialists, were not enough to stop the letter writing, the postcard mailings, the phone calls, the rallies, and all those efforts made a difference. And the fight has only begun.

As is true of so many of the organizations that have devoted enormous efforts to building an America that is great for everyone (not just the greedy 1% whose hold on the government and the economy has just undergone some fracturing), Engaging Peace has empty coffers (and would love your donation), but more on that in later communications.
Right now, it is time to celebrate the successes of those of us who are working for a better democracy.

Stay tuned, give thanks on Thursday for the progress made, and renew on Friday your commitment to engaging peace and social justice.