On #GivingTuesday, Remember Engaging Peace

Hand holding dove of peace above Earth





Today more than ever we need your active support as we bring academic research and social justice writing and action to bear on current injustices impacting our lives, our families, our communities, our nation, our world.

Please. Donate to Engaging Peace on this #GivingTuesday (Nov 27) as an act of peace and of willingness to stand with and for one another. During this giving season, make a one-time donation or set up a recurring monthly contribution to our work. Join others is adding your voice to the cause of peace and nonviolence.

Just click here or on the Donate button (in the right sidebar) to make your contribution to Engaging Peace by credit card or PayPal.

Together, we will continue to engage peace actively – daily – together. Thank you!

In gratitude,

Kathie Malley-Morrison, Doe West, and Pat Daniel

The Engaging Peace Board of Directors